History Of The Bible Book

History Of The Bible Book


Not Know The Earliest Israeli History? Do Something About It Purchase This Perspective Bible Timeline Chart

In a Bible study years ago, a friend who had been a Christian and worked in the Church for over 15 years, made this statement,"Yes, but Abraham had the Law and so he understood about......" (they were not referring to the pre-Moses law) I wonder how many Christians will actually pick up the inaccuracy in this claim. Moses came about 500 years after Abraham and so it is not possible. I have since put together a Biblical chronology chart and explained in a more graphic way the chronology of men and women and events.

The Sovereign Caligula installed Herod Agrippa I AD. 37-44 ruler throughout the land that had been governed by Philip plus Abilene West of Damascus. Agrippa being the grandson of Herod the Great and the Maccabean royal Mariamne. The idea that he carried Maccabean blood made him popular with the Israelites. Agrippa?s stay at Alexandria, though no fault of his, set off a severe anti-Jewish revolt down there. The Alexandrian Israeli sage Philo Judaeus, that interpreted the Bible in the philosophy of Plato, led an Alexandrian Jewish deputation to protest to Caligula about this riot. During the time Agrippa was in the Italian capital, he swayed Caligula to withdraw an order to erect the Caligula's sculpture in Israel, an act that would be likely to have precipitated a uprising. In AD. 39 subsequent to the attestation of Herod Antipas, Caligula left Perea and Galilee to Agrippa also. In the end in AD. 41 the Claudius added in Samaria and Judea to Agrippa?s reign. The New Testament, calling him simply Herod, suggests that he sought to delight the Jews and as a result killed the James and imprisoned the Peter. Flavius Josephus verifies the Bible record of Agrippa?s unexpected and excruciating passing away at a celebration in Caesarea.

Jeroboam I around 922-901 BC. made his governmental capital city at Shechem, that had been a kingdom hub in the era of Joshua. He felt the need of religious centers to keep his people from making pilgrimages to Jerusalem in the S. For that reason he established golden calves in Dan and Bethel, perhaps led by the influence of the animal gods he had known in Egypt throughout his exile there in Solomon's time. Given that God was venerated at these shrines, some have recommended that the calves were regarded a platform for the invisible God. The prophetic authors condemned these idols.

Think about it! What does it appear like, when somebody asks; Well when did Mary, Mother Of Jesus live? How do you address that, when you do not know when your scriptural historic events happened? Would you like to know that 874-853 BC. Ahab rules the kingdom of Israel? And that 198 BC. the Seleucids captured Israel?

Ptolemy II 285-246 BC. rebuilt and hellenized towns and cities in Palestine. The messages of Zeno, the custodian of Ptolemy II?s treasurer, Apollonius, indicates that the household of Tobiah, an opponent of Nehemiah, was responsible of collecting taxes for the Ptolemies in Trans-Jordan as it was for the Persians. In Egypt, Ptolemy II released the Israeli captives which had been carried off in captivity in his father?s period.

The conquest of Canaan ushered in a shadowy age that continued for approximately three hundred and fifty years, from around 1400 to 1050 BC. The tribes of Israel, with a foothold in Canaan, adopted the wicked rites of their next door neighbors, engaging in a down spiral of brutality and idol worship. As a consequence, The lord was to give these apostates to a gentile oppressor, they 'd cry out the Lord, and he would send a Champion to rescue these apostates, and the process would repeat.

The Hebrew Bible is not a single publication but rather an assortment of texts, most of these anonymous, & most of those the merchandise of more-or-less extensive editing before attaining their modern type. These texts are in a variety of music genre, but three distinctive blocks approximating modern story history could be created out.

This technique puts scriptural events into actual time. You comprehend and feel closer to the event when you can place the event within history. How can you teach the truth of the Bible, if you do not even know when the event occurred?

Matching the classic notion that Ezra returned while under Artaxerxes I 465-424 BC. the time of his return should be 458 BC. A few would suggest that the emperor was Artaxerxes II 404-358 BC. in which instance Ezra?s return would be in 398 BC. but this year disagrees with more than a few verses which would make Nehemiah and Ezra collaborators (Neh 8:1, 2, 5, 6, 9; 12:36.) Others hypothetically alter '7th' in Ezra 7:7 to '27th' or to ?thirty-seventh,? keeping the identification of the emperor as Artaxerxes I, which will give as dates for Ezra?s return 438 BC. or 428 BC. One of the arguments for placing Nehemiah prior to Ezra is the ?wall? (KJV) of Ezra 9:9 seems to suggest that Nehemiah?s rebuilding preceded Ezra?s arriving. On the other hand, ?wall? (KJV) may possibly refer to a construction that was pulled down shortly before Nehemiah appeared, or most possibly to ?protection? by the Persians, since the Israeli word is not the usual use for a physical wall, and the whole district of Judah is under protection. The complications of the classic order, Ezra and then Nehemiah, are considerably less, in my judgment, than the issues arising from the supposition that Hebrews, recording a couple of decades following the key events, mixed up the timeline of the two most important characters of from their current history.


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